verna dei-ijla

for want of a nail, a kingdom fell.

skypirate. hunter. saraab.


name: verna dei-ijla
pseudonyms: siege, "tall-ears"
age: ? (It is rude to ask a lady her age)
gender: female (she/her)
species: rava viera
height: 6 fulms, 4 ilms (6'4", appears 6'7" with her ears)
home: dei-ijla village, golmore jungle, Dalmasca, Limsa Lominsa
Aether Signature: Unusually dense but otherwise normal, with tendencies towards water and earth.

They crawled out of their graves,
Rose up from the shadows.
With a city acting as the fuse,
To ignite the entirety of dalmasca.
Even the most majestic sun,
Will be ripped apart by the endless dark clouds.
we do not avenge the dead, but create opportunities for the living.
Thus, we sail toward the storm.

Glasgow pirates of Limsa: Verna is the leader of the pirate band and gang Glasgow, a close-knit gang known for specializing in pursuing unusual hunts or "marks", with its members trained in a distinctly military-like fashion or possessing intricate skills.
They are, however, still a pirate band and smuggle all sorts of goods, both legal and illicit. Want to strike a deal or heard of this infamous group? Want to band with them - or take them down? Feel free to send a tell.

Of the Wood and Dalmasca: While Verna calls Limsa and its seas her home, her roots always remain with the Golmore Jungle and Dalmasca - though she is often quiet about why she left, stating that she departed approximately twenty-five years ago. Records of her name are scarce, but there are rumors she had ties with working alongside the Dalmascan royalty.

Dense Aether: Verna's aether is relatively normal - but it is highly dense, as if she's bursting with it. She uses this aether to enhance her skills as a war dancer and a fighter, and is sometimes rumored to drink odd tonics that affect her skills and body in odd ways.


of souls

seraph ambrosias: love of his life | little doll
kaz met seraph when the latter attempted to crack into the mind of his brother. it began as a game - only for it to blossom into something far greater than kaz could have ever hoped for, something that kaz would burn the world and more to keep as his. this angel gave his soul to him - and kaz gave his heart in return.
saint astraleilles: firestarter
an arsonist, a mage, a viera with some sass - a soul without a home, kaz befriended this bartender in moments, in places, and in steps - and eventually out of some, odd reason, offered the veena a home. now the other flies for him and sings a song of fire.
artemis qalli: songbird
a young xaela he met through the honey bee inn and through his brother, while kaz first saw her as naught but a simple wallflower, once he was able to pull her out of her shell, he saw potential. he still thinks she's a bird learning to spread her wings - but once everyone hears her song, he hopes that the world will sing.

other relations
oberon villanova: friend, huntercherub ambrosias: fellow researcher, seraph's siblingzekh'ir vhalyn: kingpin, ???jinro oja: beastyallex leigh: inquisitive researcher, keeper of zweisarnai dhoro: student, sage in traininghades: [REDACTED]

of blood

verna "siege" dei-ijla: cousin
his only tie to the dei-ijla village and his only blood family that matters, verna had traveled with kaz throughout his life journey. and although she leads her own crew - glasgow - and lives a completely separate life from the courier, kaz ultimately winds up finding his way back onto the vigilo and sharing his tales over and over again.
tula "nekros" arawn: brother | speaker of the dead | lorekeeper
his brother, his "blade", and he Nekros's operator. with two others they formed skala, though they were closest even in the group in some terrible, twisted fate. even with the project "over", the wounds of their history still remain. kaz, however, does his best to try and care for his wayward brother without, hopefully, repeating that cursed legacy.
rosmontis "nova" ganajal: sister | judgement | assassin
his younger "sister" and a member of skala, he once knew nova as a cheerful, hopeful, if idealistic woman. but the death of ember led to a rift that he knows he will only be able to mend with his death - a cost that he is unwilling to pay. and so he lets her hunt him, over and over, in hopes of one day being able to heal this broken soul or at least tire her out to the point where she stops caring anymore.
laeva "ember" kahkol: ex-mate | lævateinn
his former lover and partner - the final member of skala. together, they dreamed of taking the world by storm, escaping the chains that bound them, holding the wishes that sang in their hearts close and true. but they flew too close to the sun, and this love story ended in tragedy that still stains kaz's hands.

of places

alta vox: kaz considers this abandoned library turned sanctuary his home- he is often found here, tinkering on projects or simply relaxing with one of its many books. he is also in charge of the maintenance of wards of the house.

vice and virtue: an establishment that kaz has found himself partially in charge of - what his role is, exactly, is a bit hidden under smoke and mirrors - some state him to be a director, others simply a manager.

honeybee inn: often found at the front desk, kaz spends his time managing books and serving drinks. he is fairly close with one of the owners and several of the staff.

sapphire reliquary: at first glance, kaz is nothing more than a simple bartender, though how he got the job is quite a story.

mun: mela, 21+, she/they. mst timezone.
please understand I will not write anything mature with any characters or any writers who are underage, and would prefer to write with characters who are over 18+ of age, but i welcome all rpers.

if something is confusing or makes you uncomfortable, or if you simply want to change something, please feel free to reach out and let me know.

if you have an idea for a plot, feel free to send me a tell! i reserve the right to refuse any plots, but i like rping pretty much anything that doesn't outright destroy my character.

i do not run any plots that deal with racism, sexism, homophobia/transphobia/etc., and just generally be a good person. this also includes the use of fetishing terms - i will not rp with people who call themselves a f*ta. thank you.

i am in a committed relationship with two people, so please do not cause any romance drama ooc. thank you!

i have a few health issues which might randomly make me have to stop roleplaying (likely because i am suddenly falling asleep). i am almost always open for discord roleplay - please just ask. thank you for understanding.